How Co-working Spaces Help Entrepreneurs Network While Social Distancing

“No man is an Island” and certainly no one succeeds alone. As an entrepreneur, you know the importance of creating a strong network to help facilitate business success. Networking provides us with an opportunity to build lasting connections with individuals that can help us in our professional or personal lives.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made many significant changes to the business world including the way we network. While you may be not be attending that in-person convention or asking a collogue to chat over a cup of coffee, there are other resources you can utilize to help build your network.

Here are 3 ways co-working can help entrepreneurs network while socially distancing:

1. Community Events

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The co-working business model is centered around creating a community among individuals of diverse backgrounds. Many co-working spaces host member-exclusive events designed to help members networking with each other. Since COVID-19 many spaces have adapted to make these community events accessible to members online or in-person under strict social distancing guidelines. By joining co-working spaces entrepreneurs can strategically position themselves in a way that gives them access to a robust community to network with.

2. Virtual Courses and Conference Events

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 Conferences have been a staple for individuals looking to network, with in-person conferences on hold, virtual conferences provide the next best option. Co-working spaces often run interactive virtual courses or networking sessions focused on a wide variety of topics from personal to professional development. These courses are often free to the public and feature many accomplished individuals. Entrepreneurs can build their network by connecting with like-minded individuals that share similar interests or fields of expertise.  

 3. Social Media


Social media has come a long way from sharing cat pictures and your favourite meal with friends and family. Social media has become an integral tool in expanding your network and communicating who you are to clients and business partners. Co-working spaces have a vast network of entrepreneurs that could help propel personal goals. Co-working spaces also take pride in highlighting their members and the projects they are working on, this cross-promotion provides many advantages for entrepreneurs looking to get their name out.

While COVID-19 has transformed the networking landscape, co-working spaces like ReSourceYYC are dedicated to providing many accessible networking opportunities to facilitate entrepreneurial success.